Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
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Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
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Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
Discover Tess Space Enterprises programs and their websites by clicking on their logo above, and access their archives by clicking on their mascot and title below.
Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
Discover Tess Space Enterprises programs and their websites by clicking on their logo above, and access their archives by clicking on their mascot and title below.
Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
Discover Tess Space Enterprises programs and their websites by clicking on their logo above, and access their archives by clicking on their mascot and title below.
Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
Discover Tess Space Enterprises programs and their websites by clicking on their logo above, and access their archives by clicking on their mascot and title below.
Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and consciousness are common topics within Tess Space Enterprises programs and their related animation productions and projects offering various proposals for a better humankind social equation.
Discover Tess Space Enterprises programs and their websites by clicking on their logo above, and access their archives by clicking on their mascot and title below.
"Storytelling a planetary society."
Script for Tess Space Enterprises promotional feature film: "Tess".
("Tess" script is based on the two tales "Tess, the tale of Space" and "Tess, the tale of Time". The sequences hereunder are additions to the tale “Tess, the tale of Time”, to be inserted when Tess' is in the elevator in Area 51.)
As Tess goes down in the elevator, she ears her other self advicing her to take her time… not to rush to her… to keep dreaming!!??? Tess is all about her “Save the other Tess” mission, and cannot cope with the idea of dreaming, when she reads on one elevator button “Dreamland”!... Tess hesitates, and the soft voice encourages her: “Press it my dear. The path to improving my storyline starts in Dreamland.” And so does Tess. She pushes the button, and “zoofff!!” is teleported to a space filled with archives about the history of space travel on Earth, from archeological astronautic findings dating hundred of thousands of years, to the flying DNA arks of Noah, the pre-Sumerian's era and the research of Zecharia Sitchin, the "imagineering" worlds of Nikola Tesla, and to the German 3rd Reich first man-made flying saucers and its colonization of the moon with the help of "friends"... and on its quest for the "Holy Grail of technology" or, as Jim Marrs reported, for the secret of the Monoatomic Gold... Finally, Tess learn about Dreamland achievements integrating ESP technologies in a new range of travelling devices, from the "Jump Room" to travel to Mars in a few minutes, to the "Looking Glass" project allowing time travel... Tess absorbs telepathycally these amazing stories, but is left with mix feelings as she realizes Dreamland is a series of compartimentized developments designed to keep scientists exited, as they are allowed to access ancient and ET technological secret stories, but, in the name of national security, not allowed to share them, and therefore not to have them contribute to the improvement of the fabric Story Galactic field.
As Tess completes her Dreamland tour, she ears a decompressing chamber sound behind doors molded within the design of a wall. She feels strange energies/people coming, and hides both in a shaded corner of the room and in a calm state of mind... The doors open and leave way to short Grey extra-terrestrials with mechanical behaviors, yet very alert "at heart", followed by a tall being wearing a long cape and a hood covering its head. Tess can only see a hand, large, green and covered with scales, soon gesturing slowly to shape shift itself into a human body swiftly revealed to all as a tall scientist, handsome, with green eyes... Obviously a leader. Tess wants to avoid sharing her environment with such an antiphatic character, and hops in the space behind the now closing doors. The scientist senses her, turns around as the doors shut. He shakes his head as if feeling disturbed by hostile frequencies. Tess wonders what is to happen of her now... when the cabin she is in motions slowly first, and then dashes in a tunnel! Tess looks up and sees a panel presenting the US map with a main dot on Area 51, and others in various states of North America. Lines/tunnels connect theses dots, and soon Tess realizes that she is traveling to a New York underground base!... situated right under the United Nations building… The train stopped as gently as it started, the doors open up, and Tess glances out cautiously. As there is no sign of immediate danger, she walks out and starts wondering, genuine and curious. A wall makes way to a corridor!... leading to a large multi leveled room: the "UN Unofficial Library". The section on "Mankind History on Earth" offers inspiring virtual lectures from Robert Dean, George van Tassel, and Lloyd Pye: Starting 500,000 years ago with the creation of human on Earth as a 3D being with Light Beings abilities based on its 12 strands DNA. Then 280,000 years ago an outer space species "played Gods" tempering with human genetics to dum it down and have it serve as slave in its gold mining project. But the light within mankind's soul would not disappear... Other beings visited Earth, over millenniums, and some stayed to help genuinely or with second thoughts...
As Tess wonders how what she just learned could have affected Earth Story Galactic field if mankind had known, she ears voices in a space below by the mezzanine area... She reaches it and looks down to a large crowd of what appears to be officials from various countries, planets, and... dimensions! The UN B1 Main Room is soon full, vibrating strongly, and ready to address the topic of the week: "The future of Earthling 3D civilization." There, the history and evolution of humans on Earth is briefly communicated to new comers (along the lines of Marrs, Dean, Sichin, van Tassel and Pye), and reminded to others. From there, a more recent story is exposed starting in the mid 1930's where a rogue Reptilian race and its mind controlled Grey clones and servants took over the main 3D operational parameters with the complicity of the Homo Capensis, therefore creating the Triad organization. But to conduct any global scale operation on Earth, the Triad had to partnered with leading ancient human families... Here, access to the "Monoatomic Gold technology" as a mean to become eternal, became the deal: humans' support to implement the Triad agenda against the knowhow to master the atom and mankind's DNA. There, these oldest families of mankind history, reinforced their centuries old enrichments through their banking system to acquire as much gold as possible, and produce the monoatomic gold powder, the source of eternal youth, in one hand, and, simultaneously, distribute - methodically and in accordance to an Homo Capensis' elaborate mathematical and social planning - such immense monetary wealth to the 1% of intermediate Earthlings traitors needed to operate corporations owned by the Triad and their human partners. "Gold is killing two birds with one stone!" Tess listens to this with machievelic plan, and has the clear feeling that there will be only one winner: the Triad. What their final plan is, she cannot guess yet, but she can see that those who betrayed their own species will end up living an endless nightmare: having eternal youth, the secret of Monoatomic Gold, within a hand's reach, only to have it move away... slightly.
Through this human allegence, the Triad became the unofficial leaders of the UN by forcing upon the US and German governments the signing of treaties which authorized the abduction of human's souls by aliens' forces against extra terrestrial technologies... That left the successive leaders of the US and of its allies helpless as they had no clearance to access such treaties and comprehend their consequences both spiritually and in the form of numerous "deep black projects" responsible for the enslavement of the people worldwide for the benefit of the Triad and of their fraudulent human partners. Tess feels pain for mankind squeezed by such invisible hands, and again senses their final plan... something beyond planet Earth... As she drifts in thoughts, The Triad representatives now step up to the stage to deliver their speech.
The Triad's plan is reminded to all as a mind control program implemented at various levels of human societies. Its mechanism is based on the "frog effect" which applies degenerating factors in the mankind social equation, both spiritually and physically, at such a slow rate and gradual inputs that no one feels the actual dramatic changes taking place. Mind control began with insuring the disconnection of mankind's spirit with the Story Galactic field - referred by the Triad as the "Source field" - the cosmic field of frequencies, of information. This is mainly the disconnection with one truth: all information, ideas, memories, dreams are stored in the Story galactic field, not in the human brain which acts in this context only as a receptor. To achieve this disconnection, neutralizing humans' ability to access the field has been implemented by managing the atrophy and calcification of Earthlings' most precious biotechnological device: its pineal gland, which function is to open a portal to the Story Galactic field. Located in the center of the human brain, this little poach, full of crystalline water, with its internal mapping of retinal cell-like, allows access to all information stored in the Story Galactic field, not just present, but, as the Triad very well know, past and future too... Least but not last, ancient tablets found on Earth witness humans as having mastered pineal gland technologies to the point of becoming very telepathic and teleport themselves in any location or dimensions at will... "Obviously, we do not want them to relate to such abilities! Do we?" The Reptilian leader asks, threatening. All bow in silent.
He then continues: "What we want is substitute ourself to the Source field, create an alternative one fed with our idea of what mankind should be thinking at any given moment of its evolution! But first a reminder of how we take care of that little portal device in its brain..." The Reptilian leader reiterates how such destruction of the pineal gland, via atrophy and calcification, takes place. It starts through the physical feeding processes, by imposing upon human consumers water and food choices, and a vicious medical system, both produced and advertised/marketed by the Triad's controlled corporations. By poisoning mankind health in such ways, not only is the pineal gland "out of order", but the body in which its depends on is heavily, if not permanently at its DNA level, damaged... "A machiavellian plan indeed!" A satisfied Reptilian whispered with a smile to himself... Then comes the most "creative" part... Once the pineal gland is shut from accessing the Story Galactic field information and energies, the Triad, as mentioned by the Reptilian leader, takes over the role of the field by creating an alternative one that give the illusion of another intuitive database, but one that provides just the type of information for mankind to stay in the primitive state of duality, as far as possible from any sense of spiritual unity that would empower mankind. To keep the masses within this illusion of theirs, the Triad aggressively establishes and finances a network of radios, televisions, and internet companies, and promotes a "news and entertainment" industry attracting mankind's mind into low/poor frequency fields associated with stories about conflicts, through news reports about the "real world" and its politicians' fights mixing social, economical and spiritual issues in the most perverted ways, and via a fictional world of "live" and virtual productions feeding viewers' mind with such notions as "survival and competition being an inevitable fact of nature", presenting the killing of the "bad guy" as the ultimate successful ending, and viewing our material surroundings, starting with the body, as what matters most, turning our true self, our mind and soul, into an ever elusive subject, into a ridicule hallucination...
There, another deceptive factor overlaps and maliciously strengthened, the Triad's mind control program. While "news and entertainment" compose most of the alternative information field now available to mankind, the formatting of the thoughts processes and of social references through "education", kicks in from elementary schools by enhancing one concept: information need to be memorized, and the more one student works at school (not "play", "work!"), the more information you will gather in your brain!... Here is where the intellectual disconnection with the Story Galactic takes place: children believe that that jelly, watery, organ in their skul is a storage device, and are shun from the fact that memorizing is not necessary as all information are at their disposal in the Story galactic field for them to tab in at will, only if their pineal gland allows it... Since it does not, the Triad's educational deception focuses on tempering with information on history (mainly the origin of wars) and of sciences (by suppressing any technology that would conflict with their economical/geopolitical interest). Finally, in addition to such disinformation, and such spiritually and physically exhausting memorization forced work upon children of mankind, the Triad deceives humans by having them believing that "thinking" is their most valuable ability, while its true - now hidden talent - is "streaming" intuitively - with an active pineal gland - information from the Story Galactic field. Such intuitive educational system is encouraged by advanced civilizations, where the teachers become students as the students' intuition tabs in the Story Galactic field and retrieves solutions which always exceed the teacher's expectations... There, all, teachers and students, humbly embrace these information gracefully coming upon them... "Not in this realm!!" hammers the leading Reptilian, his fist squashing slowly an invisible neck...
This way, by disconnecting human's pineal gland, and make the brain and thinking the keys to its social successes, the Triad has limited the development of mankind perceptions by bathing it species in the lowest possible frequency: the frequency of fear!... fed with poor storylines - news, entertainment, education - creating the perceptions of time as equal to death, and of space as the reason for scarcity, and therefore reinforcing the "inevitable" need for competition vs cooperation. To topple this spiritual insanity, another factor is added to their "mankind dummying equation": a "clever" monetary system demonstrated by the representative of the mathematical Homo Capensis race with virtual lectures from Leuren Moret, Karen Hudes and Paul Hellyer who, even as they oppose this fraud fiercefully, are (the Triad admits with sarcastic smiles...) its best stortytellers. The story goes as having a 1% fraction of humanity serving the Triad - de facto betraying their own species - in exchange for material comfort, and as forcing the remaining 99% to pay taxes to cover an illegal practice of a fractional banking mechanism, and of the emission of "paper" money for the purposes of feeding conflicts leading to the lucrative business of wars, of developing "sickness care" (rather than "healthcare") systems, and of controlling all material assets to force, in another fashion, the notion of scarcity on others, of the need to "fight to survive"... And mankind, to the great satisfaction of a few, humiliates itself with such proudly stated lines as: "Money talks!" or "Time is money!". Tess just cannot grasps their meaning...
Master in the art of deception, the Triad holographic - on many fronts simultaneously - spiritual and physical attacks, blinding mankind from the ultimate truth about life: there is no death... humans are infinite beings, hopping from one vessel/body to an other, one cycle of life after another, and are at the pinnacle of the Story Galactic field creations, with the widest spectrum of frequencies known in a species, frequencies able to be produced by the combination of its unique DNA and of its precious pineal gland, frequencies know as "emotions", as "the mothers of all perceptions..." responsible for all creations! Despite a complex and mathematically perfect demoniac operation supported by immense material resources to enslave the Earthlings, Tess intuitively knows that, as no light lives in its heart, the plan of the Triad is doomed to fail... sooner or later, and senses its actors will shift and join a major positive storyline to thrive in the Story Galactic field soon: the end of duality and the birth of a planetary civilization on Earth led by the wise and powerful humans back to their true self!
Still greatly impressed by the energies generated by the Triad to achieve its tasks, Tess wonders on the chance Earthlings have to escape the poor storylines designed by such a mean team of twisted minded and short sighted beings... "All is going to be just fine" her other self's voice softly tells her... "Just avoid feeding the fear, the duality, by judging and condemning these beings instead of viewing them as an early stage of their own evolution, and embracing their dynamics to better transform them so they, despite their own agenda, find themselves surrounded not by enemies, but by other beings conscious of belonging to the same original creative cosmic outburst, and ready to assist them to make their own transition to unity. "Tess understands and smiles, thankful for the storytelling wisdom just shared.
As Tess looks down to the crowd now leaving the UN B1 Main Room, she relaxes in a state of peace which conflicts with the frequencies of leaders who sense it and look up straight into Tess' soul!!! Despite the now vanishing voice's last advice: "Do not let fear enter your inner space!", Tess freaks out as she discovers the type of wild and multi-dimensional beings coming after her... She is soon cornered and about to be squeezed by large scaled hands when all freeze around her... An alert vibration fills the area, and all make way to a growing black hole opening itself for them to, with no hesitation, dive in! Tess sights of relieve, but soon panics as one arm of the vortex catches her leg and pulls her into another dimension...
Tess rematerializes right in the middle of a fight between what looks like a group of Greys backed by their Reptilian masters shooting at, and being shot at by CIA agents... One of them calls: "Schneider! Help!!!", and a man looking like a civil engineer, jumps into the action to save fellow human beings, and finally gets shot down. The scenery is terrifying for Tess who never had to witness injuries, some fatal... As she flees the death zone, she realizes being back in underground tunnels! She sees trains from which the opponents manage to get reinforcement to the fighting site... The station name reads above an entrance: "Dulce Base".
Tess now drifts from corridor to corridor, and reaches a laboratory, its doors wide opened probably due to security systems being disabled by the fight. She walks around large containers of various sizes, and feels very frightening realities developing within these machines, realities dealing with DNA and cloning technologies, with "hybrids races engineering"… and most scary of all, soul control and manipulations!!! She is struck by the horrifying nature of the experiments taking place here... Tess, in a burst of thoughts, connects with the Story Galactic field now embracing all universes in an electro-spiritual dynamic... She sees!... that other phase of the Triad's plan: planets by the thousands being ruthlessly colonized, beings by the millions being grown as soldiers or slaves, and... souls!... by the billions stored and awaiting to be inserted in these beings' body of flesh or of artificial biotech fabric. Tess opens wide eyes! She understands the Triad's end game: with its mind control program, the deaths caused by the wars it leads to, combined with its "sickcare" depopulation plan as the final stroke to squash mankind's will, the Triad has turned Earth into the place where they harvest these souls!!! And the evil plan develops in Tess' mind... As hundreds of planets with Triad's bases are now able to manufacture host bodies, and as the soul storage system is now operational in parrallel dimensions, the Triad has its "final option" ready, in case those to control mankind here on Earth fail. There, Tess senses discord between the Triads and their human partners who are both terrified and fascinated by this possible outcome. In a flash, she is hit by images... a scaled finger pushing a button,... a blowing up planet Earth,... the harvesting of the lost and scared drifting human souls,... the implantation of these souls in new bodies for them to serve the Triad as slaves!!! Tess gasps and, for the first time ever, emits a sound, a sharp scream!... and faints... Her genuine compassion for the unbearable suffering of hybrid and artificial beings, of imprisoned souls, and of Earthlings slaves traveled to desolated planets in distant galaxies has sent a desperate alarm frequency in all dimensions... A group of quiet light beings emerges from the cosmic fabric surrounding Tess... She triggered a new reality for them, one they believed had been eradicated for millions of years. The cover-up of the Triad's deeds was so perverted, these beings of light just did not feel the developments initiated on a planet floating on the outskirts of this galaxy... Healers of worlds, enlockers of perceptions, they form an entity both gentle and firm: the Universes Foundation. They now know...
Above Tess, calmly resting as if dreaming, the members of the Universes Foundation elevate as one light, one idea, that of Earthlings' civilization as a planetary society. Acting in its non-interventionist fashion, and using dark matter technologies (where the environment commands), the Universes Foundation slowly dismantles, piece by piece, frequency after frequency, the agendas built over decades by the Triad's and its human partners. The reversing of the “frog effect" process imposed by the Triad upon mankind is now coming into action!... while Phil Schneider helps Tess to stand up, and Tess assists him walking to the medical zone to treat his wounds...
As the Triad's agenda fades in the strategic locations first, the scientists at Dreamland slowly awake from their mind-controlled life, and feel the need share with their people the beauty of their fascinating knowledge. Some still hesitate as main leading scientific figures such as Edward T. and John V.N. - operating from particular dimensions - are standing with both fear in their eyes and more "hunger" for secrets from the Triad... Yet, as the cleaning of the pineal gland via dark matter beam technologies is especially implemented on such influential men first, they too soon awake to the infinity generosity of the Story Galactic field. In shock, they fall to their knees realizing what mankind could have achieved if only they had known better...
Still, Tess questions the fact that the old human families and their top executives in large corporations must have known of such end plan from the Triad... Why didn't they rebel themselves as they faced the killing and enslavement of their love ones, as they could see this was the extermination of their species and of their habitat Earth??? And it strikes her: they had been secured a space in one of those ships planned to leave from another planet. Maybe, for the most influential ones, they have been offered to rule one of the many colonized planets... And now it all fall in place for Tess. She understands why all these new technologies and all these new energies have not be shared with mankind, were lied about and hidden through, among other things, the development of fake space programs by all nations... If mankind had been informed of such technologies and of its true abilities, the Triad's plan would have not stood a chance of succeeding as humans would have ventured from the 1950's in deep space and, with such restored technology as its pineal gland, would have experienced inter-dimensional travel of unknown kind to the Triad members... So the all dummying/mind-control, monetary system, physical survival scam fed to generate fear of time and space, and anger towards - self inflicted - limitation and death... all of this Triad evil plan was made possible by dealing on two planes: a) eternal life, the secret of Monoatomic Gold, and b) a trip to another planet before Earth is destroyed... So sad Tess is by such a deception, and such betrayal, that Tess, imagining all the suffering that have occurred in supporting this agenda, sheds a tear...
Edward T., John V.N. and the scientific community, all smile, are joined by Tess and a healed Phil Schneider, and look up at those representing the Council of Universes on Earth: here are Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich playing with the Aether and Orgone energies, Viktor Schauberger, Brian O'Leary, Robert Wood, William Tompkins, Paul Czysz, Jean Pierre Petit, Stefan Marinov, Fred Bell, and Eugene Mallove venturing in exotic propulsion, impulsion and cold fusion energies and technologies, Rauni Kilde, Robert Monroe, and... Yoda!!!? (yes, he is real too!) together with his apprentice Jack Parsons celebrating eternal life, unity, and never being alone in the universes... All sit at a cosmic round table, and, with calm and joy, they design the future course of action by combining forces within the human species, with those leaving in the Hollow Earth and led by the Lemurians, together with those visiting Earth for centuries or millenniums as... happy space tourists ^^ including the Wise Mayas... Tess' imagination starts blooming as many fantastic storylines are to soon feed the Story Galactic field with their uniquely beautiful frequencies...
This multi dimensional war is to be remembered as the first of its kind on an intergalactic scale as no death will be accounted for. As the dark matter beam embraces Earthlings, they awakes to the reality of the Story Galactic field, and, blessed by its amazing information and energies now channeled to their functional pineal gland, they let go on fear, greed, and insecurities as, simultaneously, all irrelevant deceptions created by the Triad to enslave them vanish from their minds... A new social behavior where intuition serves an unconditional care for all fellow beings thrives, and as humans' souls awake in a planetary chain reaction phenomena, they shift Earth into a new timeline of unity consciousness!... while the Triad remains into its dimension of duality and eternal frustration. Humiliated and furious Reptilians fume, silently... beaten. They underestimated the nature of mankind's soul as one, and of the force that grow exponentially among the awakened, something the Triad just ignored as a flaw in mankind's DNA: love. "Well, now they know better." Tess firmly states with satisfaction.
Tess, "Storyteller of the Light" (as she has been ordained by the Foundation), coordinates. and will supervise for the years to come, all actions on physical Earth on behalf of the Universes Foundation. Various Earthling and interstellar leaders get ready to take legal action in a non-vindictive way against the Triad members and their human partners - advocating amnesties for those who sincerely repent - by following exopolitical juridical models developed by Alfred Webre, new paradigms introduced by Daniel Sheehan, and solutions for all to better integrate the new Earth social fabric as researched by Stephen Bassett, Steven Greer, Richard Dolan, Richard Hoagland, Ken Robinson, Barry Chamish, and Sonia Barrett. Tess feels that great storytellers have just embarked on the adventure to bring the final push for the end of Triad's world.
And, as amnesty is granted to those active in the various factions involved with the Triad, Tess comes to realize that the human partners of the Triad consisted of two groups: on one hand an shadow entity born from hidden secret societies that had great ancient and recent (some part deals with the Triad) scientific knowledge together with large post Earthlings World War II financial resources, and on the other hand a consortium formed by bankers, entrepreneurs, military and government officials, and religious representatives, all acting in the (controlled) light of mankind societies to "guide" them... But on the turn of the 21st century, the two groups and the Triad sensed that, due to the internet, the Earthlings were gaining back their intuitive abilities, and catching up from studying the resurrected like scientific knowledge from historical civilizations, and from discovering sub atomic physics theories by venturing in all kind of intellectual and spiritual fields... The fear of having mankind awake became unbearable for the Triad as this was the end of its billions souls haversting plan, and for the shadow entity which had set and controlled many outer space bases in the solar system and beyond, and did not want competition in this field... Only the consortiumfound itself at odds as its Earthy assets have not yet been exchanged into outer space currency, and wanted to stick to the original depopulation time table unfolding over one century, not over the next decade... But the original deal made with the Reptilians by leading governments of the 1950's still held its human partners accountable until the Earth depopulation/souls harvesting has occured, and any refusal by a human partner to stick to the deal, would see the Triad implement terrible loses, personal and national, to those who would dare not complying with the terms of the 60 years old document. Black-mailed in such fashion, all human partners involved in the consortium bowed one last time to the power of the Triad, and engaged to the speeding up of the depopulation program implementation eliminating 90% of mankind in Earth, and leaving a 10% "maintenance crew" to oversee the "to be restored" pristine Earth resort for the "fortunate ones" to enjoy as their future tourist destination fromn outer sapce colonies... Meanwhile, the Triad would have accomplished its century old goal: collecting and storing billions of the most valuable "currency" in Reptilian controlled galaxies: human souls.
Tess reflects onn how the end game proved itself to be a surprise for all, the genuine in mankind having awakened in masses and call upon Earth a timeline shift... Now all come to realize the reality of unity and of the planetary communion among beings leaving on Earth. Those, whether part of the Triad, of the shadow entity, or of the consortium group, and still rejecting this idea of unity are simply left to entertain their duality concepts in some other reality planes, carefully casted away by the Universes Foundation in the illusion of fighting a weaker race - when in fact they are just in a matrix where they are fighting their own self - till they finally awake to the reality of unity and join it with a first stop back on... Earth!
Now humans and other species can simply focus on unity, and on developing the original talent of each one of their individual life cycle, and, by these two actions, produce a field of genuine passion allowing the developement of new perceptions to nurture one of the most beautiful gift in the cosmos, one mankind happened - thanks to its unique emotional spectrum - to be blessed with plenty: creativity. As a complement to initiate and sustain this new way of life, Tess, on behalf of the Universes Foundation, agrees with the new leaders that the democratic system structure will remain the same with just one addition: a newly intuitively, randomly, elected body of 500 voluntary citizens - as implemented by ancient Greeks - per country, a body which role will be to protect the constitution of any abusive changes by having the final approval on passing or rejecting a law approved by the congress or/and by the senate. This way, any special interests backing financially or otherwise a congressman or a senator (practice that is planned to come to an end) will not have any weight in the new laws voting processes of a country. The Universes Foundation has declared that the first of the vote to be taken by such newly elected body will be a retroactive one on the privatization in central banks worldwide, and consequently the reimbursement by abusive bankers of what is estimated by Earthling experts to two quadrillions of the global currency known as the US Dollar. From the distribution of this wealth back to the people, the idea of a basic universal salary can be implemented allowing every being to engage and excel in her/his talent of the one life cycle she/he is "storytelling" now, as a carpenter, an artist or a marverick entrepreneur. Stunned by such changes brought by the timeline shift, the Triad agenda vanishes, and its members are invited either to join the new timeline, or to keep wondering in time and space with greed and death at the core of their heart and soul. Most join, while a few decide to remain in the lower and poor frequency world of duality, as they still challenge to control all matters, even after being forgiven. "Some people seem to never learn! Surely, they will... one day." Tess thinks with kindness. Then she decides to add to her future activities on Earth the creation of a two enterprises: a legal agency to be named "ESP Legal" working in association with the "Pineal Technology Institute" dedicated to restore the abilities of mankind's most amazing bio-tech device: the pineal gland.
As the new sense of unity ignites Earthlings' storylines positive transformation in the Story Galactic field, Tess calmly beams. A long haired being of light from the Foundation sits in front of her, and shares his view: "All that you have witnessed on Earth was an illusion which your mind turned into a quantum reality production, part education and conditioning from the collective civilizations entanglements, part you, the intuitive imagination of your soul. Ideas, thoughts, memories are an ever growing library of information frequencies wrapping every living beings, from the ant to the Earth and beyond... There, you will choose the experience you want to energize, to entertain. Life is now for you to create." As the being of light slowly dissolves around her, Tess is resting, eyes closed, and yet she sees everything in one astro glance: "My will now can manifest in any ways I feel fit for all, and for... me! Time to get to work, or, as Nikola Tesla puts it, to play!!"
As she comes to this happy conclusion, Tess realizes her other self has been waiting, and it is time to present to her the fruit of that patience: the coming of a planetary society on Earth! Through tunnels, Tess rides to Area 51, not yet fully aware of the changes underway... She walks to the elevator door garded by the same soldier who acknowledges her with cold military respect, opens and then closes the door on her.
(Back to the moment in "Tess, the tale of Time" when Tess goes down to the B300 level to meet and save her other self...)