Chick Apollo Space Center invites kindergarten children to read the book “The Tale of Chick Apollo” and then imagine and paint the vehicles for space missions on 26 extraordinary destinations including planets, solar systems, exoplanets and the nearest galaxy.
The teacher invites to select one of the 26 destinations for the space mission for the class, for a group of students, or for each pupil. After searching in the internet for information (texts, images, videos) on the planetary, stellar or galactic destination, the children go on painting their ecological spaceship: with no smoke, no flame and… no rocket!!! Easy for our little budding engineers!
Each artwork depicting a spaceship must be created on A2 black sheet. Children are recommended to paint the main structure of the vehicle in white, and other parts in bright colors.
Once the class has completed its work, the teacher sees for each artwork to have the first name of the child written of a small rectangular paper and glued at one of the corner of the sheet. Then all paintings are scanned and filed in a PowerPoint format to be emailed (if needed via Wetransfer) to the Chick Apollo Space Center at chickapollo@aol.com.
After reviewing and formating the PowerPoint into a PDF file, Chick Apollo Space Center administrators add the work of the class on its website for all children on Earth and beyond to see!